Yes I am an army wife, yes I know what my husband does for a living, and Yes I know that he may not be around 24/7. Now do I wear my husbands rank, no. I couldn't even half tell you what he does, I know he is one a boat and no I am not confused the Army actually has more boats then the Navy (One of the many things I have learned). Am I Mom like everyone else? Yes I am. I take care of my daughter, attempt at cleaning house, make dinner, and three nights a week, I go to the gym for Me time. Same things other moms do. Do I feel like I should get special recognition, no I don't. I think Single Mom's are the hardest working mom's out there and I know three very special ones. My Mother In Law was also one for a bit and she raised three amazing boys. But I swear to whatever God you wanna fill in the blank here with if I hear one more fucking time Military wives don't DESERVE the credit some women give them, please just one more fucking time. Yes your husband may travel for work, please tell me more how your husbands two week business trip in a comfy hotel where he ordered room service and talked to you and the kids every night compares to my husband being gone from anywhere from 30 days to 2 years. Yes he may come home for a 30 day R&R leave but do you realize how short 30 days is when that is all you got. Please tell me more how hard it is for you to drop the kids of at Grandma's so you can get some alone time in that two weeks, when for some of us Grandma is a few hundred to thousand miles away, and we would kill for a 20 minute shower. I knew what I was getting into when I married my husband, I was a navy brat. One year I had my dad home for 32 days of a 365 day year and they were not 32 consecutive days either. Yes your kids may act out a little but they know when Daddy is calling. I never know when or if the phone will ring. I also knew that in case of an accident I will be raising my daughter alone...with help from Family yes. I also know the same is true for non military spouses, but let me point out the difference. I am again MILES away from family and only have 30 days to pack up my house, help the kids through this, bury my husband and find a place to live if I live on post. If I live off post, I have to finish out my lease miles away from family. Whenever my husband is gone I am a single Mom and then there is the readjustment period when my husband comes home because while he was gone Mom made all the rules and you expect things to just go back to normal. Lets also mention here while your husband was away on his business trip...NO ONE WAS SHOOTING AT HIM!!!! He was not lulled to sleep every night by gunfire, explosions, and other loud things that go bump in the night. He won't come home having nightmares and ready to fight at the slightest touch to his arm. I have been elbowed in the nose, while he was in deep sleep because I touched him.
I am not saying all people think like this, I am not saying all women agree with the ones that compare a business trip with a deployment. I also hold police officer, truck drivers, EMT/Paramedic, and firefighting spouses in high regard because also in these lines of work you never know. You also deal with being swung at in the middle of the night. I am just over hearing oh your husbands deployed/deploying well mine went on a business trip......eye twitching....cracking knuckles...please tell me more through gritted teeth.
And in closing again when I married my husband I was well aware of all the scenarios, I knew what I was getting into. I deal with each day as it comes my way, and normally I don't snap about the women mentioned afore, but people break and when I came across someone calling a military spouse merely a side dish and we weren't that special and other people's husbands TRAVEL for work little rubberband snapped. Now to find the duct tape to fix that damn rubberband.