My heart goes out to the families involved with the Sandy Hook tragedy yesterday morning. It is not right for a parent to bury a child who they have so many plans, dreams, and wishes for. For a life to be cut short this way is just no right. I am also glad the shooter was taken down whether it was his own hand or the police force. I do not think that the community or the state should have to pay for his trial, prison time, and so forth. I also feel for the families of the adults whose Mom, Dad, or other relative won't be home for Christmas. It is a sad sad world we live in. I am so glad my little one is napping on the living room floor, but know there is always a chance....just not going there at moment.
But I have two issues at moment...1...Violent TV, Movies, and Video Games caused this and 2...We should ban guns. TV, MOVIES, AND VIDEO GAMES???? Really???? I am not a gamer, but in my years of watching I have never seen a game where you could kill children. I have watched TV and Movies and again not really seeing much of children being killed except in cross fire from gun fire or stray bullets from drive bys. With this said it goes back to raising your children, you raise them knowing what they see on that box in the living room is not REALITY!!!!! You can't go around pulling people from their cars Grand Theft Auto Style. You can't run around with a sword slaying people because they have dragon breath.
Yes lets ban guns, because all the criminals and people who do things like the mall shooting and yesterdays tragedy will be the first people in line at police stations to turn them in cause guns are bad mmmkay. FUCK YOU!!! I may not own a gun but my husband and I have looked into them and a lock box for it as well. This is the society we live in. Guns do not kill people, the person pulling the trigger does. Once everyone who screams ban them realizes will make things easier. Also as a parent once the gun is in home and daughter is old enough to understand she will be taught respect for said weapon and that it is a no Abbie zone.
We live in a society of blame the next guy. The one to blame for this is the man that walked into the school. Parents I urge you go home, hug your kids, and then teach them the difference between reality and GTA. Teach them there are consequences for actions, and above all else tell them it is not okay to be a fucktard and just do something because I wanna. Tell them that it is not the gun that killed people it was the person holding the gun.
Hug your children, educate them in reality, and hope for the best. But please stop for a moment before this is turned into something political. Say a prayer, send positive energy, and remember the families, the first responders, and the people who have to pick up the pieces of all this craziness.
Now I am gonna go hug my daughter and spend every moment I can with her because again you just never know.