As the holiday season approaches and all that fun stuff I thought I would take this opportunity to kick off the other side of my blog.
My first thought is the fact that black Friday is no longer black Friday it is now gray Thursday. I remember as a kid going with my Mom black Friday shopping and the thrill of being out early and the gift bags and free samples. Now it is a mad house that starts Thursday night and continues all weekend and then what you couldn't get over weekend you can get amazing deals on Cyber Monday. It is no longer fun it is now dangerous from the trampling deaths to the macing of the crowd. Certain states have outlawed MMA fighting events because they are too dangerous, but they allow black Friday madness...umm MMA is refereed and behind a fenced in cage. I see a malfunction in the system here.
I am a consumer as I have been told by a very dear friend, and at first I was wondering what he meant about that and I finally figured it out. I do coupon and I try to find a better deal. I will call a company and complain when a product does not do what it is supposed to do or fails to stand up to the quality of said product (reminds me I have to email fruit of loom kick off proof socks my ass but anyway). I want my dollar to get me as much as it can. Yes my stroller has Mp3 hook up with speakers and my daughters crib has a detachable vibration thing I used all of twice. The Mp3 hook up I have used more, but again I digress. With all this said I have better things to do on Friday. I refuse to fight with someone over a $12.00 blender or risk being maced over the latest copy of whatever must have game/game system. For once I have no interest in shopping at all. Shocking I know but it is what it is.
As a new mom I am starting new family traditions for the holidays. For starters Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all the things we have and be thankful for them, but we say thank you all year long. We will be selecting a child of the Angel Tree and providing a Christmas for them when she is old enough to understand and we will be donating toys that are old before we open a bunch of new ones.
And as far Christmas goes can we please pull it back to December...people Christmas in July is an expression not an actual event. Santa in the mall on November 8th? I love the holiday but some of us do have birthdays in December and can we please celebrate them before they are over run with Christmas?
Enjoy your Turkey Day and time with your family and if you go out shopping Gray Thursday or Black Friday please be careful it is a jungle out there.